PEI’s Paper Lions are back with a new single, “Don’t Feel Like That”, about looking into the not-so-distant past. We caught up with the four-piece to talk about what their nostalgic for, how they describe their sound, and what’s next for the band.

From The Strait: “Don’t Feel Like That” is all about nostalgia – what past time period or decade would you want to go back to, if you could?

Paper Lions: I think I’d like to go back to the 90’s and relive my own nostalgia. I had such a safe and idyllic childhood, it would nice to feel that again with everything that is going right now.

FTS: Describe your sound in 5 words.

PL: boppy, poppy, jaunty, sunny, funny

FTS: If you have the chance to curate your own musical festival, who would be on the bill?

PL: We actually tried to start a festival once, but it never really went past the dreaming phase. We are from a really small island and basically no bands ever come here to play. We thought about asking our fave bands that we’ve toured with to come to the island and play a festival with us. CAKE, Octopus Project, The Elwins etc.. maybe it will happen someday, you never know!

FTS: What’s next for Paper Lions?

PL: Writing, Recording and trying to finish our album before our album release 🙂 

Check out Paper Lions‘ latest single, “Don’t Feel Like That”!


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